Sunday 13 December 2015

How Much

The release of of new modules has offered an opportunity to observe the workings of the market.

It should be noted that each of the trade hubs in Eve has a very different character. And observation of the pricing in these markets. can offer the skillful trader insight of where in the chain they can best enter the market to maximize profit.

However, what happens when the module has no price?

And indeed, and perhaps worse, has no listing on Eve Central or Eve Markets to offer informed guidance as to who many of the new items have been sold and at what price. The market listings within Eve does offer some information.

At which point we return to the character of the trade hubs.As it was interesting to note the initial pricing. In Jita the items were immediately offered for 50million ISK, and then generally priced downwards as more traders entered the market. Whereas in Amarr the pricing was set at 1million ISK and barely changed over the four or five days that it took for Jita to trade downwards to the current price of around 2million ISK

I suspect this will be the eventual price as the buy orders are now offering 1.5million ISK for regional trading in Jita - effectively cutting off the supply and dampening down any opportunity to make 'real' money.

I say real money, because it was possible in the first few days to buy at 100k and sell for 12million, and until the regional inflated buy order price cut off cheap supplies, 4-5million was a viable price in Jita, with traders selling all of their stocks.

Which logically would suggest that long term the item should be valued at around 4million, but I doubt it.

I baled out of the market yesterday, having made a very tidy profit.

Though I do find myself wondering why when you can buy items at ten times lower that the new buying price, and sell at two and three times the current selling price, does it make any sense to settle for doubling you money, and in all likelihood the typical Jita trading model of making perhaps 10% - if you are lucky.

It makes even less sense when the item still doesn't have an estimated sale price, is loot-able in level 1 and 2 missions and because of the nature and mechanics of the module is only going to be bought by people who aren't that worried about price in the first place.

No doubt one of the many Apps, that surround the market, lie at the root of this. I notice they are all the vogue, and many people appear to think they are useful - and no doubt they are if you want to believe in the myth of the 'five-minute-a-day' trader alt many you a billionaire over night.

The good thing about these Apps is that they offer opportunities to make 'real' money, as they do not take into account the psychology of pricing, and the magic behind the number 33.


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