Friday 11 December 2015

The Story So Far

Oscar Wilde once remarked that 'a cynic is someone who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing'.
No doubt he had just been repeatedly 0.01 price sniped in Jita,. Or perhaps he was reflecting why the Shield Booster I only fetches 1 ISK in Amarr when the estimated price quite clearly states that it is worth 5000 ISk or whatever.

Or perhaps Oscar Wilde didn't play Eve.... obviously....

As background, I first played Eve in about 2005. Since then I have rage-quit, over one thing or another, about five times - I say rage-quit as a short hand for not playing, as in fairness I have only actually rage quit once; the other times I stopped playing were due to boredom, life changes, completely cocking up my training and just... well... meh...

But now I'm back in outer space, I just warped in find the salvage drones had dumped the salvage out of place....

So here is a general view on what I have been doing.

From the outset I decided to break a number of cardinal rules.

The first is that I don't have a main character. Instead I have adopted an approach, whereby I am training the three characters at roughly the same speed depending on what it is I am doing at the time. And so far this approach is working well.

The next cardinal rule I'm breaking, is that although I am using a spreadsheet, I am not obsessively micromanaging everything. Not am I using any of the 'useful tools' that tell me - sorry 'help me' - to cost out my time, training schedule, industrial jobs, or trading activity. All the spreadsheet tells me is how much I have in fixed assets, liquid assets, and reserve... and of course if I made a profit or loss on the day.

This approach ties in nicely with developing the characters together, especially as I have a corp.

It's all a bit of a socialist Utopia - Peter robs Paul, Paul robs Peter and the cumulative effect is measured in how the corps is doing - which in turn pays back to John, Paul, George and Ringo.

Ostensibly the corp is industrial. Though at present very little is being done of a traditionally industrial nature, due to Operation Croesus. This being a top secret operation, I am not at liberty to divulge the details. And besides, I quickly learned that tech 1 manufacturing is not a path to riches; and the minerals are best stockpiled until such time as I have the research skills to create more advanced blueprints, and tech 2.

For a time I was pretty heavily into PI, turning in a tidy sum each day. But for the time being that has been put on the back burner, the colonies shut down, and the workers - well I don't know what happened to them. It had reached the stage where to grow it needed investment I didn't want to give it, and it wasn't of a large enough scale to make it worth the time and effort it required.

So that out of the way, I can move onto 'stuff'...


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