Tuesday 22 December 2015

Lower Middle Class Neurosis

Yeah so after doing my accounts, I do have more than a billion ISK in assets.... in fact quite a lot more than a billion.

Operation Croesus is in full swing, if everything goes as planned on Christmas Day, I should have a billion in cash.

Which raises the question question of - to plex or not to plex....

And if I do plex, should I use it to play for free, or train two characters?

Though the more pressing issue, and one that I can't seem to solve satisfactorily is what to do next.

My corp is functioning well, and making money - and in a sense it has achieved it's purpose of getting me a strong capital base to move forward from.

So one option is to split off one of the characters and send them out to another corp, possibly a training corp of some kind, to a) gain experience and b) make in-game contacts. The most obvious choice is the fighty character, as in the short term they are the character that will be getting least attention with regard to training, and the plan is focus any mission running on research - so they will be getting less game time.

But on the other hand I could simply keep going, run another Operation Creosus type deal, and in three weeks have another billion or so - possibly quicker if the trading continues to grow at the current rate.

Plus I wouldn't have to deal with the issue of finding the right corp, and being told what to do, and this and that..

At which point, I find myself wondering if I am playing to plex or plexing to play - and do I really want to plex at all?

Isn't plex just another of those things with-in the game that have gained an inflated importance because of a meme?

I guess it's a nice problem to have.

And a first world problem at that. I certainly couldn't have imagined I would be griping about it barely a few weeks ago when the idea of having a billion ISK was little more than the kind of dream one has that somehow you will be picked from the crowd and scare the winning goal in a cup final.


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