Saturday 26 December 2015

Profit in Chaos

Oh dear.... I appear to have broken the market.

I may have mentioned elsewhere that one of the more frustrating aspects of trading in Eve is margin trading - with or without the 'help' of API backed apps. No doubt there are those that swear by this form of trading, and no doubt it has a valid place if you never leave the station.

What surprised me, when I started looking for things to trade is just how many bargains there are, if you spend the time looking.

Now what I am going to suggest is clearly in direct opposition to a certain macho attitude that pervades the game, in which to be successful, you have to have control - of in this case market price.

But what does that mean?

If I know that you will pay me a certain price, because you have set a buy order to buy this amount at that price, then sure you control the price - but equally so do I, if I can source the items at far less than you are paying. And let's say, for the sake of argument, that I can get them at 10 times less than the price you are willing to pay?

I will make 1000% per cent, and the buyer (who is using margin trading) will make @6-8% , assuming they can sell the item, and if they can't will soon run into escrow problems.

Hence it appears I have broken the market.

Yes true, in doing so, I am now in a position of not being able to sell immediately - which is a problem - but it has also offered the opportunity to vastly deflate my buying price, and up the amount I am willing to buy, because at this moment the item in question is practically worthless.

No doubt eventually the market will stabilize, and hopefully my knockdown price will allow margin traders in other markets to see my low wholesale price as a bargain - and equally I hope that no one notices the sudden market collapse and will blindly sell me stuff at a knock down price.

We shall see.

But the long and the short of it is, if you look around for bargains, there is money to be made.


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